A plan to bring 89 smaller homes, plus six of four or more bedrooms, to Four Marks has divided opinion.

The scheme for 95 homes on a rectangle of land behind 87 Lymington Bottom has been submitted by Mr M Martin Pratt, who lives at that address.

East Hampshire District Council has so far received 276 objections and four neutral comments, with 20 people in support.

Objectors say the site is outside the settlement boundary and on agricultural land, with flooding, dangerous access, housing density, traffic, parking and pressure on doctors, dentists and schools also given as reasons for refusal.

One wrote: “No-one who lives here wants more developments!”

Those in favour want affordable housing so young people originally from the village who moved away can come back to start a family near their parents.

One said: “Whenever a two-bedroom or three-bedroom property of good condition enters the market it is often sold immediately, with multiple couples bidding against each other.

"There are currently only nine properties for sale under £450,000 in Four Marks.”

The proposal includes 14 one-bedroom flats, 35 two-bedroom houses and 40 three-bedroom houses.