An unwanted site on the main road through Bordon is on the town council’s radar according to a councillor.

The Northern Gateway site along Camp Road was deemed surplus to requirements by East Hampshire District Council early this year.

Expressions of interest are now being sought for the site, which includes the former fire station, Eco Station, Lloyds branch and a slither of woodland.

The site could become housing as it has no designation but Cllr Andy Tree, Leader of the Whitehill & Bordon Community Party, hopes that won’t be the case.

He told guests at the Annual (Whitehill) Town Assembly on Wednesday he couldn’t get involved in the process, because of his EHDC role, but confirmed WTC were due to discuss whether to express an interest at a forthcoming meeting.

“I want to genuinely find a community use for it,” said Cllr Tree during the Forest Community Centre meeting. It will be discussed and it’s on their radar.”

The draft East Hampshire Local Plan and its controversial housing allocations were also touched upon, with Cllr Tree backing the proposed numbers of 1,700 for Alton and 610 for Whitehill & Bordon.

Cllr Tree, who has faced calls to resign because of his “fight back” comments over resentment in Alton over housing allocation numbers, reiterated his belief that the town is better suited for larger-scale development.

He said: “The W&B infrastructure and facilities can’t match Alton’s, and the infrastructure is clearly in Alton, but I suspect this debate will rumble for the rest of the year.”